They just won't give up on this generator.
Darkness feel like a curtain and lightening streaked the sky the last night in Haiti.
A pastor asked to borrow the scaffolding and wood cement forms
from up the hill at the orphanage we are building in Gressier. The pastor and his two little boys ready for the service.
I am up on the second story of the Haitian Queen watching as they get ready for the revival meeting in the empty lot next door. The blaring music from the large speakers drew an immediate crowd. The preaching and singing could be heard for miles and the final song blew the 4 speakers, just before a torrential downpour. At least the speakers didn't get wet.
Earlier in the afternoon they threw together this stage.
FFCC worked on this wall at the orphanage.
David & Jeff enjoying the picnic the final day.
That was good chicken.!
Jim surveying progress at the orphanage.
Jim and Aaron, founder of Shepherd's House Orphanage
rejoicing at the progress!
Phil Harris, CEO of FFCC and Roger Elmore, PH.D, agronomist from Iowa State .
Thank you "Friends and Family" for
making Haiti a better place for the Haitian people!